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Get a Load of Milk

Try convincing teens that milk is cool. They have the attention spans of gnats and they claim to hate advertising. And milk itself? Hardly exciting. So solving this problem with a :30 TV spot would be insane. 

Instead, we fundamentally redefined the media landscape by launching Canada's first "dot spots". They were 5-second spots based on milk benefits, and we made 182 of them, so kids never saw the same one twice. We also created Canada's first 3D cinema spots. Then we built a website so teens could make their own dots, and customize their own roar. Weg amified milk benefits for mobile engagement. Then we sponsored the MMVAs – even Lady Gaga got in on it. 


Results? Milk consumption lifted, we picked up double Gold Cassies plus every major creative award around the globe, including Cannes. 


Best of all... we made milk cool.

print and out of home


Some of the 182 five-second ads we did for TV, online and theater. Including the first 3D ads in Canada.

One of the first 3D ads ever to run in Canadian theaters.

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